


上購物網買東西~這次婆婆看見了[104美國直購] 轉換器 Belkin WeMo White Insight Switch - F7C071


學到不少~~~果真是家有一老如有一寶!! ^.^






CNET Editors' Review

Belkin WeMo Insight Switch

CNET LogoEditors' Rating

4.0 out of 5 stars.

Features: 8.0 out of 10

Usability: 8.0 out of 10

Design: 8.0 out of 10

Performance: 9.0 out of 10

The good: A smaller plastic housing and new power usage tracking on Belkin's WeMo Insight Switch bring greater visual appeal and usefulness to Belkin's already winning entry-level smart-home power plug line.

The bad: Setup remains a hassle, it's still large enough to block adjacent outlets, and reliance on IFTTT for advanced programming functions means you'll need to bounce between two different apps to get the most out of the Switch.

The bottom line: Despite a few usability quirks, Belkin's WeMo Insight Switch only improves on the simple, low-risk formula that made Belkin's original programmable WeMo Switch so appealing as a home automation starting point.

? 2015 CBS Interactive Inc., a CBS Company. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Product Details

WeMo Insight Switch

Turn electronics on or off — from anywhere

Monitor your electronics’ usage/cost and receive custom notifications ? Put your electronic devices on a schedule or have them respond to Sunset and Sunrise

Works on multiple smart devices simultaneously

You’ve already got everything you need: WeMo works with your existing home Wi-Fi network and mobile Internet (3G/4G)

Modular system. You can add additional WeMo Insight Switches easily, any time

Intuitive, easy set up and easy to use

Works with the entire family of Belkin WeMo products

Works with IFTTT, connecting you to a whole world of Web apps

Free WeMo App for Android and iOS operating systems

One-year limited warranty

WeMo Insight Switch






[104美國直購] 轉換器 Belkin WeMo White Insight Switch - F7C071 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時



台灣索尼互動娛樂(SIET)今14日宣布,將於2017年6月22日推出PS4專用遊戲『LocoRoco Remastered』(中英文合版),建議售價新台幣590元。購買藍光碟版的玩家,將有機會獲得PS4動態主題產品代碼的初回特典。


『LocoRoco Remastered』是由SIE WWS JAPAN Studio獨家為PS4主機重製的作品,這款2D平台動作遊戲將於PS4主機繃跳登場。充滿活力、生氣勃勃的LocoRoco的世界,在以原生4K渲染圖像,並活用DS4無線控制器的機能之後,為現代玩家再度復甦。


玩家帶領LocoRoco穿越透過PS4主機強大力量更新後,變得更可愛的滑坡、旋轉繩索和草原等超過40個關卡舞台。完整重現原本充滿特色的角色和配樂,『LocoRoco Remastered』透過DS4無線控制器強化了遊戲操作,可藉由「傾斜或碰撞」遊戲舞台操作LocoRoco,幫助他們通過關卡,免於傷害。



王品集團繼CooK BEEF酷必之後,將再開平價品牌,打入大眾庶民美食麻辣燙市場,董事長陳正輝今(9)日表示,新品牌「麻佬大」預計在5月底開幕,首間店開在台中美村路,將成為王品旗下單價最低、外帶比例最高的品牌,作為將來投入低價市場的先鋒。

看好台灣休閒餐飲的趨勢,王品集團2017年2月開設新品牌CooK BEEF酷必,主打快速休閒餐廳,提供精緻休閒餐飲,開幕以來受到消費者歡迎,幾乎天天都要排隊,每日客量約300人,平均客單在300元左右。



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